Hi is it possible to send abtest results in other ...
# announcements
Hi is it possible to send abtest results in other platforms like Google Analytics or ContentSquare?
Hi Jacopo. The data for the experiments lives in your data, so exporting may not be needed. The results you can export as CSV, or you can export them as a pdf. We are working on improving our API, and we have exportable results on the list.
Hi @fresh-football-47124 thank you! I missed your answer. Can you help me also to understand better if is it possible to leverage Google Analytics audiences?
How are those audiences defined? is the audience available to the application itself?
Hi @fresh-football-47124, we would like to being able to import the GA4 audiences and use them to define segments conditions for ab tests. Similar to this: https://support.abtasty.com/hc/article_attachments/6484823751964
In order for that to work, every request has to hit their servers to figure out that audience, which will slow down the rendering of every request. GrowthBook works by doing the evaluation locally on the SDK, so each request is not blocking and very fast. If you can pull down that information, it can work.
What do you mean with “pull down”?
I have a feeling that the GA audience info is only available from their UI - but if there was a way to fetch it via an api, and then set at attribute with that value, it would work with GrowthBook.
Mmm abtasty seems to connect and extracting audiences https://support.abtasty.com/hc/en-us/articles/7306071275164-Google-Analytics-4 Congratulations, integration is now set up and you can view your Google Analytics 4 Audiences with AB Tasty. For information on how to use your audiences, please refer to this documentation.
Ya, there might be a way
Then I assume is not available as a feature or do you think is something that our devs can add?
It looks like they dont give you an API endpoint for that data
as far I can see