Hi team! After separating MongoDB to another servi...
# announcements
Hi team! After separating MongoDB to another service and doing dump & load of the existing data, is there anything else left to do in order to GrowthBook recognise the organisation and other data? Such as setting the mongo db database to use? Currently I can list admin, local, config and test databases with show collections command where test contains all the data.
did it work?
that’s all that should be required
nope, I moved only the test database because there is all the user generated data including organization, feature flags, experiments, and users but the instance doesn't recognize the organization
the form for creating the organization keeps popping out
we use the organization id to join across most of the records in mongo
if you didn’t port that, and the users collection, it will prompt you to create a new org as it won’t see the old one
and where is the organization id stored? is it only in the organizations collection? if so, I've moved it also
it is in the organization collection
hmm it's weird then. I have all the data moved over but it still somehow doesn't recognize it 😕
do you have a different user record?
shouldn't be different. I'll try to reimport it once again, maybe something got lost on the way. is there any reason the database with all the user generated data is called "test"?