Hi there! How are you? I'm experiencing an issue w...
# give-feedback
Hi there! How are you? I'm experiencing an issue with my dev environment, using growthbook feature flags. In my local environment, everything works as expected: growthbook loads correctly, feature flags are read as expected and its values changed whenever I change them on the dashboard. The problem is when I use my dev environment: growthbook loads correctly (this means that the connections is successful), but feature flag values are always
. I've already tested changing the connection SDK, but it happens the same. How can I proceed in this case? Let me know if I can give further details
To give further information, I'm running the back-end on GCP, and I can't establish new SDK connections from there, but I can do them from my local environment
I'm receiving this in
_trackedFeatures: { 'blinded-users': 'null' },
Hello, can I get support with this issue?
Hi Miguel, sorry, missed your question
I think I replied to your other thread about this issue