Hello! Is it a good idea to use GrowthBook for ent...
# announcements
Hello! Is it a good idea to use GrowthBook for entitlements [1] (as replacement for Oso [2])? https://arnon.dk/why-you-should-separate-your-billing-from-entitlement/ https://www.osohq.com/docs/guides/model-your-apps-authz#entitlements For example, Feature1 is ON if
user.organization.plan == 'pro' and <anything else…>
It can work like this, and we have spoken to some who use it this way, but it is not as complete as a full identity/entitlement system
but sure, if you’re comfortable using ‘pro’ you can target any sets of features to them
if running client side, people may be able to see which features are disabled/enabled
Graham, thank you! I use Django (backend) and self-hosted Lago billing (https://swagger.getlago.com/), I have access to billing PostgreSQL database.
if you’re comfortable using ‘pro’ you can target any sets of features to them
Ideal solution for me: • somehow limit possible values in plan filter to plan codes from https://swagger.getlago.com/#/plans/findAllPlans (I can create proxy API endpoint on top of it and return list of plan name and plan codes) or create database user with read-only permissions, if I understand correctly I would like to load (enum type) “plan” attribute values dynamically from API or database and this feature is supported • use plan names (
Standard 1000
) instead of plan codes (
) in GUI, if I understand correctly, this feature is not supported