If we have a cloud GB instance, where do we set <t...
# announcements
If we have a cloud GB instance, where do we set these variables?
Those are environment variables
So these are set to the application that wants to use the proxy, not on the GB API instance right?
oh, for using cloud with the proxy, we have to enable that on our end
@happy-autumn-40938, right?
Correct. Short answer is that you would use the Cloud Proxy ("Streaming Updates" formally) if using GB Cloud, which doesn't require setting these environment vars. It should just work out of the box once your SDK is set up for streaming. We can enable this for you if you would like. If you do need to use a self-hosted proxy using GB Cloud, that's a bit more complicated to set up.
fyi, we're actively working on some scalability improvements with streaming for GB Cloud. There may be some delay setting this up
So at this time, I set up my self-hosted proxy (already running but not connected anywhere) and I make a formal request to you to enable these env vars? will this work?
you won't actually need the self-hosted proxy. We will enable streaming for your SDKs automatically.
cloud streaming is still in beta, and we're doing some infrastructure changes around this currently, so it may take us a bit of time to get you set up (up to a week maybe?)
Hi @brief-traffic-36675, please send me a direct message if you’d like to try out our streaming updates (Cloud Proxy)