Hello , is using uuids instead of numeric integers...
# give-feedback
Hello , is using uuids instead of numeric integers or vice versa as the key improve anything?
I'm currently using integers and I can see a big ratio mismatch, thats why im asking
To elaborate more
oh, the sample ratio mismatch shouldn’t depend on the hashing attribute
I have a case that i should filter out people based on some conditions
So instead of adding these as attributes and then adding forced rules which could be quite complex
Im adding a condition in the app code before even checking of this user is in the experiment or not
Also the given these strict conditions, the overall exposed users is very low , so not sure if this could be related
would you like to share with me the targeting your using?
it could just be the small sample size
Yes so I'm basically we are a subscription service where customers have a schedule of appointments/bookings , and I'm targeting users who are only transitioning from their 5th to 6th appointment during the time of enrollment to the experiment, after an appointment is done I check if they meet there requirements and if yes then check for their exposure,
Note that if customers already passed this step , for example from their 6th to 7th appointment, then i exclude these customers
And also I'm currently applying an exposure percentage of 20% only
are you adding those rules to the targeting conditions, or manually doing it?
No I'm doing it manually in the application code before checking isFeatureOn
Interested to know actually if it makes a difference
you could add the number of schedules as an attribute, then use the UI to target it to 5