Hello, we just started using the new Slack integra...
# give-feedback
Hello, we just started using the new Slack integration, but we noticed it doesn't seem to be working for feature updates. We made sure to add
to the event filters and we can confirm creates and updates work. Can anyone lend a hand to help us figure out what's wrong?
Oddly enough I also see that the updates events are in our event log (/events page)
they're just not going to slack
@better-magician-65629 any ideas? thanks!
we self-host and our image is a month old, so if any fixes for this have been added since april 13 that could also be it
hi @bored-butcher-86482.. it was a requirement when building the feature that the filters for relevance for
events be more strict, in an effort to avoid spam/noise. you can see the logic here: https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/blob/01e66ae70612c9e1786667b48b483babaf6b[…]back-end/src/events/handlers/slack/slack-event-handler-utils.ts what properties are you updating? it might be getting caught by the relevance filters. i'm wondering if it may make sense to change the requirements since users are expecting to receive slack alerts for all updates.
I've tried many different properties but none work - updating default value and environment overrides
• we do not notify about archived features • we notify if you enable/disable one of the watched environments. if you provided environment or project filters and you changed something related to another environment or project, you won't receive any updates. events will always be logged to the events collection. events will also always go out for web hooks. it was requested that slack integrations be more strict and only notify under these conditions. if you'd like, you can share your slack integration config and the specific operations you attempted and i can let you know what it could be tripping up on. it is always possible there's a bug too.
updating default value should work provided that the environment and project filters allow it.
here are the settings
environment override rules should trigger as well, provided that the environment rules you're updating belong to production. they will not trigger for a different environment.
Here's an example event that didn't trigger it
removed some values that may be secrets, but that's the JSON from the /events page
but the value changed from true to false in the production environment
there are no changes for the event you provided, so you weren't notified. in both
, the property
is false.
ok let me find the event in which it changed
but it has changed in one of these lol
ok there's no event in which production goes from true to false
in both that event and the previous one the prev/current are the same value
do you get an alert when you toggle one of the features?
seems like the event capture is broken
yeah every update event in /events has equal prev and current values
so makes sense why it's not passing the filter
ok interesting. i do have some slack alerts set up on the cloud instance of growthbook and have tested these scenarios you described: • toggling a feature for enabled environment production, both on and off. i receive alerts for both. • changing overrides for production. i receive alerts. in both cases, it's triggered. you mentioned you aren't on the latest version of growthbook. while i don't see any changes relevant to your issue since april 13, it would be best to be on the latest so we can rule anything out. also, can you share your version of node.js and mongodb?
mongodb atlas version 1.8.0
do you know which version of mongodb atlas uses at that version? you can run
in your mongosh to find it. also, your version of node?
sorry looking for these values
node 16.20.0
the issue could be something in here - https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/pull/1049 . We've been trying to get this merged for a while, but we built our dockerfile on this
looking for the mongodb version but asking the person who deployed it for access
it looks like you're using unsupported versions of mongodb and mongoose if that's what you're using. we have not built and tested with those versions you're using, though i'm not sure if the changes are related or not.
mongo 6.3
on cloud, we use the docker image as-is without the modifications in the fork. my thoughts are it could be related to how the feature interface is no longer returning the JSON representation of the document, instead it's returning the document, but i cannot confirm. so you may have a bug in your fork.
ok sounds good, thanks
the main reason for the fork is so we can connect to mongo atlas, which seems to be not supported at the moment
i will relay this info to the team to see if we can prioritize it. do you work with the contributor ianb at pomelo? you mentioned you've been trying to get that merged
Yeah he's my coworker
ok thanks. i've left a note on this PR for my team and ian B, maybe he can test that specific scenario and get it working. i cannot recommend merging that PR as it looks like it introduces bugs.
🙌 1
nice, thank you
i noticed the ticket says that atlas' serverless product requires 4.1 or higher. does their regular service require 4.1 too?