I have set up self hosted api communicating with a...
# announcements
I have set up self hosted api communicating with a self hosted proxy. Is there a way to validate this is OK before actually having an application making requests to the proxy? (no error logs in either the api or the proxy)
Your SDK will request data from the proxy
So you can test out that request to make sure it’s forwarding the payload
👍 1
Are you wanting to make sure it works at all?
Tomorrow I will ask some devs to test it (I am on the infra side) so just wanted to investigate if there is anything on my end to make sure it actually works before having them use the proxy). The env is clean now, nobody is using it for the moment
I believe the GrowthBook app should show it is connected to the proxy
On the SDK side it should say “connected”
Ok searching a bit the UI if there is such an indication
I see this in the
logs that seems promising
Copy code
growthbook-api-web-7949866588-pnpdd growthbook-api  | {"level":30,"time":1684775292876,"pid":59,"hostname":"growthbook-api-web-7949866588-pnpdd","req":{"id":104,"method":"GET","url":"/api/v1/sdk-connections?withProxy=1&limit=100","query":{"withProxy":"1","limit":"100"},"params":{},"headers":{"host":"<http://growthbook-api.myenvg9.myenvaging.com|growthbook-api.myenvg9.myenvaging.com>","x-forwarded-for":"","cf-ray":"7cb6a8ec1e0807f1-IAD","x-forwarded-proto":"https","cf-visitor":"{\"scheme\":\"https\"}"
Yes, it does- take a look at the SDK page under features
Come to think of it I will also try if they can also communicate internally, from within the k8s cluster for optimal latency (unless there is a compelling reason to avoid this)
This is what I see there
Ah, okay, well after a SDK is made
👍 1