Hello! Apologies if this has been asked before - a...
# give-feedback
Hello! Apologies if this has been asked before - are there any plans to split metrics out on the experiment dashboards to make it easier for teams to digest dashboards with dozens of metrics? Typically we normally split our metrics into three categories; Success metric, secondary metrics & guardrail metrics. Being able to highlight the success metric is valuable as it's a clear way to understand whether the experiment is overall a success/fail. Being able to group secondary metrics together would be super cool too, to make long dashboards a bit more digestible.
Hi Leigh. We’ve been kicking around a few ways to tackle this, but your perspective is interesting
Nice - interested to hear any proposals you might have!
how many success metrics do you typically have?
Only one typically, follows best practice in the industry! But anywhere from 5-20+ secondary metrics