i made a custom report on an experiment analysis w...
# give-feedback
i made a custom report on an experiment analysis where the only difference from the main report is I added a Segment. We noticed the session count stopped updating on that custom report. I confirmed there is still data coming into the segment, and I also made a new, identical report (using the same segment) and the session count is updated in that new report. Is that expected behavior? (ie is an additional report meant to be a snapshot where the users included remains constant and only the conversion events get updated?) or is that potentially a bug?
did you click update?
we take snapshots of reports, but we don’t automatically refresh all custom reports
yes i did re-run the report
multiple times
is there a fixed date range?
aaah got it yes that's it. I thought these worked the same as the main report and it would update to the current date as long as experiment was running. I see now in configure analysis that the default end date is the date i made the report. I just updated it and that resolved it. Thanks for your help!
cool - you could open a ticket in GitHub to request an option to make the custom report have a non-fixed end date, like ‘current time’
👍 1