Is there a way to do Saved Groups by rules instead...
# announcements
Is there a way to do Saved Groups by rules instead of listing every possible value? For example, I want to setup a group for internal users so I can turn on feature flags for the whole group at once.
that sounds like a regular attribute
right, but that would involve me putting the isInternalUser logic in code
whereas in Mixpanel or LaunchDarkly or other analytics tools, this logic is something you’re able to setup in the dashboard without code
Would it be something like a regex?
Sure, that’s an option. Still puts it out of reach for non-technical people but at least it’s controllable via dashboard
Is there a way to use regex in the dashboard?
In your ideal mode, what would this look like?
ideal but maybe not realistic: cohorts are synced over from mixpanel. good and probably more realistic: just something similar to the way you can set up targetting conditions (is equal to, contains, etc)
oh that’s cool. we could probably build that
can you open a github issue for that?