Hi, I'm running an experiment in staging where onl...
# announcements
Hi, I'm running an experiment in staging where only logged in users are eligible. I've logged in and got assigned to the control group. I'm noticing that one of my metrics is updating even though I'm logged out. Is this by design? Also, if a user logs in and is exposed to the feature, will they always see that feature even if theyre not logged in? I look forward to your response, thank you.
I'm sorry, I don't understand your situation:
I've logged in and got assigned to the control group. I'm noticing that one of my metrics is updating even though I'm logged out.
Can you rephrase? What do you mean by "metrics is updating" and are you logged in, or are you logged out?
metrics from the Metrics page show you a generic overview, not specific to an experiment. Are you seeing it there or on the experiment results?
Im seeing it in the experiment results. We have a metric in our experiment that tracks clicks of a button. Im logged out of our app and am clicking on that button and notice the metric is updating. Just wondering if this is by design.
If you are sending a conversation event when logged out it makes sense that the metrics get bumped too. Most sites have logged in user ids and logged out anonymous ids. Assuming you don't change the anonymous id when people log out and assuming your identity join table is set up correctly then the logged out user would see the same variation.
@white-fireman-22476 To make sure I understand, if a user has not logged in during the experiment, then they will not be exposed to the feature? However, if a user logs in and is exposed to the feature, they will always see the feature even when logged out?
Normally the logged out anonymous id is cookie based. Or perhaps local storage based. My understanding is that if they don't see the feature logged out, then when they log in they also won't see it if you have the proper join identity, when they log out again they would again not see it. On a different machine or browser while logged out though they might see it. At least that is what should happen to the best of my understanding.
Got it, thank you.