I just marked an experiment as lost in the new vie...
# give-feedback
I just marked an experiment as lost in the new view and chose the option "roll out Off to 100% of users". I expected to see a new rule in the feature view confirming this but the only place it says "rollout off to 100%" is in the stopped experiment view. Can I see the post experiment rollout anywhere else?
Hi David. you can check the feature rules… did it adjust the rules for that?
Hi David, unfortunately, the controls in the experiment are going to largely be metadata for tracking purposes at the moment. We know this is confusing behavior and we're working on changing it, but you'll have to go to the feature to do the rollout separately.
Understood. Its almost like the experiment page is a suggestion rather than derived from the actual state of the world. When I saw the following screenshot I though "oh it'll adjust the feature rule and stop my experiment rule, saves me a step" and was surprised when it was just a UI element.
Especially the "Off was rolled out to 100%"
Yeah, the experiment page basically does not speak back to the feature page, and the feature is the source of truth for what is happening in your app. Some of the language in the experiment page is definitely confusing as a result, and in the future we will modify that to be more transparent about (a) when it is just metadata and (b) when you can actually use it to, for example, create a new draft for your feature that corresponds to a shipping decision reached in the experiment UI.
Sorry about the confusion.
no no need to apologize, im rooting for you guys, just want to help the next dev who uses it
🙌 1