I don't quite understand why this isn't allowed? W...
# give-feedback
I don't quite understand why this isn't allowed? What if I want to have two in the "off" state and one on the "on" state? I have two feature keys using the same experiment key to coordinate behaviour in two places for the same experiment
Hey James - I'm not sure I understand your use case 100%, but in regards to your question about why you can't have more than 2 variations - it looks like you've selected a
type flag - which inherently only provides two possible values -
. Selecting a different feature flag type (
, or
) does give you the option to add more than 2 variations. Given your use case, rather than creating two feature keys using the same experiment key to coordinate behaviour, is there a reason you couldn't check the same feature twice in the two different places?
Not really possible in our use case
These are the two experiments
We often use fixed feature keys to control specific parts of our app - e.g. which onboarding flow (from our CMS) to use, what pricing behaviour to use, etc
so e.g. in this experiment, we're updating our "welcome" flow to orient around users making a commitment to sticking to the program
But to do that, we not only need an adjusted onboarding flow, but also to make a small adjustment to other behavior. To coordinate that, we just use the same experiment key on the relevant features
In this case, we have 3 variations - a control, a variant with one adjusted behavior, and one with two adjusted behaviors
I don't think there is actually any valid basis for denying the ability to use e.g. true/false more than once
@busy-horse-73824, my guess is we designed it this way initially to avoid confusion for users, but I definitely see your point that allowing experimenters to have multiple groups with the same boolean flag makes sense. Of course, a work around is to use a different flag type for now. However, the longer term solution that we are working actively on having an experiment serve as the source-of-truth for variations. In this case, you could explicitly link multiple features to the same experiment, and in this process we'd need to handle the case where multiple variations got a
value for a boolean flag. (cc @future-teacher-7046)
👍 1
Ah that does seem like a much better way around, in terms of data model. I currently do quite a lot of teaching around how to run more advanced/coordinated A/B tests like this one, but that would make it much simpler I think
I suspect a
type where I just type in `true`/`false` will resolve the issue for now