Hey folks, I was wondering if anyone can point me ...
# announcements
Hey folks, I was wondering if anyone can point me to the right place/channel/person/etc. If we (the organisation I work for) were to consider using Growthbook as our AB tester platform, is there someone we could talk to? What would be the best way to contact them?
https://www.growthbook.io/pricing feel free to try it out. You can find details of the various plans there
Yes I have tried it out, but the team has additional questions (we did look at the docs and have created an account, etc)
Or are you saying the only option now is try with a paid accounts and find out by ourselves?
What are your questions?
There are a range, from statistical related to more feature based. For instance: • Does Growthbook has Orthogonal parallel testing? • What about Multivariate? • Can we exclude users from test x from test y (for cooldown bucket and parallel non-orthogonal testing on same real-estate/population)? • etc
You can use namespaces for orthogonal testing: https://docs.growthbook.io/app/features#namespaces
Yes you can do multivariate testing
Just create a string feature, start an experiment, and add as many variations as you have
I see. Is there a way to filter/target based on behavioural? (e.g. finished x, etc)?
Yes, all attributes that you set can be used in feature flags in a forced value rule to limit who sees what
Do you work for Growthbook or just someone who uses it? (hope you don’t mind me asking)
I work for growthbook. (I don't mind)
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Would be possible to self host but still get support?
So, talking to someone (like a sales rep) is out of question?
Sorry if I gave you that impression. You can click on contact us for enterprise from that pricing page I sent you to book some time with a sales rep.