Perhaps this warning could be a bit more clear &am...
# give-feedback
Perhaps this warning could be a bit more clear & a bit more red/danger-indicating? It currently indicates to me more like "It'll just use the old behavior on non-JS SDKs", but it actually means "the feature will be completely broken on everything except the latest JS SDKs" I know there's been lots of new changes being made to make feature evaluation more capable. That's great & I'm super excited to be able to start using them. But before those are made available, I wonder if the Growthbook UI needs to be more explicitly aware of the minimum SDK spec version we are still relying on, and ensure it's not offering options that it knows will cause a problem?
Thanks for the feedback. I'll pass it on to the team that we might want to make this red. Also perhaps we can start keeping track of what version sdk people are connecting with if we aren't already and alert people when a new one is available and warn them loudly if they are using something that is incompatible.
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And my apologies that you wasted your time figuring this out.
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I'm not entirely sure about making it red for everyone, because that should probably be reserved for error state - which it would not be for people on the latest sdk. But if we can tell that you are using an out of date sdk then it should indeed be red.
Yeah it'd be really great if it could do that. For this particular case, making the warning clearer could be fine. But with all the new things coming in the newer SDK specs, a standard approach is probably needed 🙂
Yes changing the copy there seems definitely reasonable. What would your suggestion be?
Or if you want to make a PR yourself I could approve.
Possibly more clear that if you're using a non-JS/React SDK, or an old version of the JS/React SDK, you should not enable this, as it'll break any filtering based on the attribute
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Thanks for your feedback. I've made a PR that should be reviewed by others and land later today. Again, I hope this didn't break anything for you on your live site, and I'll have a talk with the other engineers about making sure that we don't send formats down to old sdks that don't know how to handle them or other such assurances as we continue to make improvements and new capabilities.
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I've talked with the other engineers. They agree this is a known problem and it is on our roadmap to make sdk updates go more smoothly.
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I just landed the better warning message. It should show to our Cloud users in about 3-4 minutes.