(somewhat related to <@U053L0TVDMM>’s quesiton): i...
# announcements
(somewhat related to @some-umbrella-45927’s quesiton): is there a way to prevent a user from being bucketed into multiple experiments? For example, if I run two experiments on the homepage, is it possible to ensure exposure to only one experiment?
There are a few options to prevent a user from being bucketed into multiple experiments - you can use targeting conditions (e.g. only run experiment 1 for users in Canada and run experiment 2 for users in the US). We also support Namespaces that allow you to run mutually exclusive experiments.
“Before you can use namespaces, you must configure them under Settings > Namespaces.” -> I don’t see this setting
Sorry about that - we changed the side nav recently - namespaces now live under SDK Connections
perfect! found it
how have teams you’ve seen coordinate with each other on namespaces? it seems like you have to pre determine the namespace allocation. is it possilbe to update allocaitons later?
@ambitious-parrot-39602 I'll check with the team to see if anyone has any good recommendations.
@ambitious-parrot-39602 I asked our team for recommendations, and they suggested you'll want to coordinate when using a namespace for experiments you don't want to collide with. Re-using a namespace is not advisable because, for example, 0-0.4 in a namespace will always have the same users going to that part of the namespace. So you can re-allocate those users once the experiment ends, but they'll be different from your general population because they have a history of being in this 0-0.4 part of the namespace (and whatever experiments were allocated to that part of the namespace).