Hello everyone, everything good? What do I need t...
# give-feedback
Hello everyone, everything good? What do I need to do to have the growthbook identify the G.A 4 metrics automatically, without using BQ?
@billions-xylophone-11752 ^
👀 1
@agreeable-monitor-62727 What data warehouse are you using to store your GA4 event data?
I'm using BQ
In most cases, you'd receive that message if you don't have a default data set entered. If you go to the data source and click "Edit Credentials" can you add (if you don't have one already) the BigQuery data set where the events table is stored. After, to confirm it's been added, you can click the "View Schema Browser" (there may be an error message, but you can click retry). And after that, automatic metrics should work for you.
In data sources, this shows that G.A4 and bigquery are already connected, right?
Yes, it appears they're connected - you just have to do one additional step of telling us the data set where the GA4 events table is within your BigQuery database. You can do that via the steps I mentioned above.
In the screenshot it is optional, but it's required in order to use the auto metrics feature. We are working to update the language to make it more clear.
✅ 1
Thank you! I added the default dataset in "Edit Connection info" because "Edit credentials does not appear to me. Does project name is obrigatory too? Now the error below appear:
No, the project name is not required. Can you send me a private message with what you entered into the
Default Dataset
field? That field should just get the data set name, without the project name. In the screenshot below, I have a sample BigQuery resource that has a project name of
and a few different data sets. When filling out the
Default Dataset
field in GrowthBook, you only need to enter the data set name, without the project name. So in the case of the example, you'd just entered
@billions-xylophone-11752 i sent u a pm 🙂