I am trying to get the experiment and variation da...
# announcements
I am trying to get the experiment and variation data from mParticle in Google BigQuery. We have sent it as event attributes which means it shows up in BigQuery as sub elements on rows (see image) How do I get the data in to the SQL formular in GrowthBook?: SELECT mparticleuserid as user_id, eventtimestamp as timestamp, experimentId as experiment_id, variationId as variation_id
I am now so far as getting the data shown in the image from this query: SELECT mparticleuserid as user_id, eventtimestamp as timestamp, attributename, attributevalue FROM
AS t, UNNEST(t.eventattributes) AS eventattributes WHERE attributename = "experimentId" OR attributename = "variationId"
But I need a separate column for experiemntId and variationId for me to figure out how to state it in Growthbook. Can anybody help?
Hi Kasper. You should be able to do that with a simple self-join
if you don’t figure it out, I can help you in a few hours
Please do @fresh-football-47124 🙂
@fresh-football-47124 Did you have any tips for the Arrayed mParticle structure in BigQuery to Growthbook SQL? 🙂
Hi Kasper: do you have some time to meet this week?
@fresh-football-47124 friday?
Dang - its very edge hours for my euro timezone. ill need to coordinate some more then. Thank you for the link. I´ll put in a request when I get the time sorted :)
I can work late my time, earlier your time
That would be awesome. At what time would it fit in? We are just about to start it up on a customer and I simply cant wrap my head about constructing the sql to get "Add an Experiment Assignment" filled when I have the experimentid and its value as shown in the bigquery screenshot