Hello. We integrated growthbook on 1 project and e...
# announcements
Hello. We integrated growthbook on 1 project and everything works well and correctly. Now we are adding it to the next project. I created new SDK connections, feature. Test is working fine. But growthbook extension shows in most part of cases the opposite result of the markup. Has anyone experienced this? What could be the problem?
This seems strange. Have you tried refreshing the DevTools panel after updating the query param?
Yes, I tried.. And QA of our team has the same problem((
This is interesting. Is it possible that you have two tabs open with different projects that are both using the GB SDK?
No, it’s impossible. We even tried on several devices with only 1 open tab. We integrated growthbook for 4 of our projects. And it doesn’t work correctly everywhere. Could the reason be that we have 1 account for all projects and many SDK connections?
Thank you for confirming, this is strange. Let me check back with the team.
I'm looking into this now, I'll try and see what's going on. Thanks for your patience
👍 1
I've repro'd the issue, looking into it
I think there is a bug between the JS and React SDK that is causing this. I've alerted the team and created an issue . I'm hoping we can fix this soon. Here is the issue if you'd like to track it or add any additional comments. Thank you for reporting this https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/1664
thank’s a lot 🙏