We are still getting this error in the console. Ca...
# give-feedback
We are still getting this error in the console. Can someone help guide us? We are on the free plan but not self-hosted.
👀 1
Are you using https://cdn.growthbook.io as your apiHost in the SDK?
No we are using a reverse proxy
Ok, it looks like SSL is not properly configured on your reverse proxy. Are you using the GrowthBook Proxy or something custom (nginx, etc)?
Oh interesting. Ok we are using cloudfront.
Do we need to configure QUIC in RP?
It's a little hard to tell ... Are you able to do a simple GET request to the reverse proxy using cURL?
I will ask my eng
I should clarify, the SDK itself is loaded via the reverse proxy without issue
It seems like this is just an issue with trying to use the browser extension
Hi - AFAIK the browser extension doesn't make any network requests that are visible in the devtools panel. Are you sure those errors are coming from the extension?
Nope I'm not sure.
Lemme check incognito.
They don't occur in incognito
That might be the GrowthBook SDK (and not the chrome extension) that is causing the errors. The JS SDK leverages SSE (server-side events) for realtime features. https://docs.growthbook.io/lib/js#streaming-updates
If you turn it off as described in the docs, the errors should go away. Is that the case? If so, you may need to configure your reverse proxy so that it will support server-side events. I don't have the exact information on what's required but I can pull in a dev from our side if necessary. Let me know
Ok got it. I'll discuss with my dev and get back to you.
Ok the errors go away if we disable.
The extension not working must be a separate issue