Hi all! I've spotted that realtime updates were ad...
# sdk-flutter
Hi all! I've spotted that realtime updates were added to the React SDK fairly recently, I was wondering if there's an ETA on this making its way into the Flutter SDK? Also, if there's any guidance on getting something close to realtime updates in the meantime that'd be greatly appreciated 🙂
Good morning, Lucas, thanks for reaching out. I’ll connect with the folks responsible for the Flutter SDK and send you an update here once I’ve had a chance to ask them about this.
Great, thanks!
Hello again, Lucas 👋🏻 Got some answers for you 🙂 To date, the Flutter SDK has been maintained by external contributors and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Thus, a feature like realtime streaming in the Flutter SDK would need to come from the community. You're welcome to submit a GitHub issue here. As a workaround, you could implement a polling mechanism on the features endpoint, re-fetching every minute or so.
Thanks for looking into that for me, I’ll raise an issue for it in that case 🙂
👍🏻 1