Hi Team I was wondering whether we can define a se...
# announcements
Hi Team I was wondering whether we can define a segment coming from different sources.
🙌 1
Unfortunately as of right now we don't have anything to allow defining a segment from more than one datasource, if that is what you had in mind.
✅ 1
Thanks @white-fireman-22476 I had reached out through the website form for knowing further on the enterprise licensing for an on-prem deployment but I am still to hear back. Is there a direct email ID that I can reach through?
Hi Vivek. Sorry to hear that you were having trouble reaching us. I'll make sure that someone responds to you today. You can also schedule a meeting to ask any questions that you have here: https://www.growthbook.io/meet.
@icy-ability-15057 Just emailed you; sorry for the delay!