Hello Everyone! We just release GrowthBook version...
# announcements
Hello Everyone! We just release GrowthBook version 2.5 🎉 This might be one of the biggest updates to date. Here is a look at some of the new features: • Metric Fact Tables - With Fact Tables, you can have one query return multiple values that can each be used as a metric. This can greatly reduce the number of SQL calls, as well as help with centralizing repetitive queries. • Remote Evaluation - For client side AB testing, you can now enable remote evaluation mode, and have a back end server (or GrowthBook Proxy) return the value for that user. This is available to Pro customers. • SCIM Support for Okta - Enterprise customers using Okta can now enable SCIM support to sync accounts between Okta and GrowthBook. • Data Pipeline Mode - For BigQuery and Snowflake users, we’ve added support for data pipelines. With this mode, GrowthBook will write some intermediate tables back to your data warehouse, which can greatly reduce the expense of queries. • AI Copy Suggestions - Users of the visual editor can now use AI to help generate alternative copy suggestions. This one is really cool, give it a try, you might be surprised by what it does. • Simulations and User Archetypes - Simulations allow you to see how your feature rules will apply to a user with specific attributes. You can also save these sets of attributes as ‘archetypes’ to use across the platform to rapidly debug your experiment rules. • API Endpoints for Feature Flags - We’ve added REST API endpoints for creating and editing Features. Check out the docs: https://docs.growthbook.io/api#tag/features • Multi-organization Deployments - To help organize and add a isolation between data/features/experiments for larger teams, we’ve added multi-organization mode for self-hosted enterprise customers. With Mult-orgs, you can have multiple separate organizations within one deployment of GrowthBook, managed by a super admin account. There are many more changes which you can read about from our blog post on 2.5: https://medium.com/growth-book/announcing-growthbook-2-5-d3e41c1ba56e - or on our GitHub page: https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/releases/tag/v2.5.0 - or by watching our video showing some of these features:


. If you’re using our Cloud, the platform is already updated. This release reflects a ton of hard work from our team and the community - congrats to everyone involved. Let us know your thoughts or feedback!
🎉 14