Had a great experience with GB so far. Have starte...
# give-feedback
Had a great experience with GB so far. Have started to show it off internally. Hopefully we can get some traction around trying an enterprise local installation. Although these take time in our org 😞 Just some random/unordered feedback after using the tool for a couple of days (mainly for experiment analysis) • Nice to have a test button for the Jupyter notebook (under datasources). Test that the env setup on GB side is ok. "Download Notebook" is failing in experiments and not sure why
typeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'alpha'
. Could be my issue but the notebook does run locally on the same instance. Having a test would help with debug • Setting up the Snowflake conn expects the domain name just for the org "myorg". If you add the full url "myorg.snowflakecomputing.com" then the connector fails. Simple check to filter ".snowflakecomputing.com" if provided. Very frustrating time to find this one • Nice to have the experiment assignment queries with the FCT tables. Maybe dimensions too. FCT tables are the way to go. Nice to see what else you plan to add here. • Can we set different experiment parameter i.e. confidence for different experiments or on the project level. We may want different config for very different projects. • The experiment import works well but sometimes if there is a malformed experiment it is not shown. Had to manually create the experiment and then see it was malformed. Would be nicer to have GB show a malformed experiment was found rather than silently skip it. • Pagination for the experiment import. Only shows N experiments. Need to use search to find ones not shown. • The management->presentation mode is gimmicky and not ready for prod when an exec asks to see what it does. It makes the tool look a bit amateurish which is a pity. Might be something to mark as alpha/beta. • Several UI scaling issues but not so important for charts i.e. when the experiment name is too long. Generally looks well. Guess these are known and low priority fixups. • Needing to open 2 ports for 3000 and 3100 was a bit of a pain. Would be nicer if that was not needed. • "Get Started" is nice but probably not needed after I've (user level) used the tool a couple of times. Might be nice to not show it (ignore) or allow it to be moved to the bottom of the left nav bar beside the docs link. Would be better to have the homepage showing the experiment, feature, management at-a-glace info (imho)
Hi Ron, thank you SO much for taking the time to share this feedback with us! Hearing such detailed suggestions from customers who have high familiarity with the GrowthBook workflow is vital to our growth and future roadmap. I shared this thread with the whole team. Off the top of my head, a few of these we are already actively discussing (yay!). In particular, the "Get Started" tutorial placement and the Presentation download are being looked at by our Product Designer who recently joined the team.
Hi @brief-honey-45610. Just a qq. One of the teams asked internally "will GB support Multi Armed Bandits experiments in the future". If feels possible but it also goes against the operating model of sitting on the Users warehouse.
Hi Ron, we do have plans to support Multi-Armed Bandits in the future. We're working on some features that lay the groundwork for supporting this later.
Super. Looking forward to seeing that future features
Thanks for this really valuable feedback Ron. Many good quality of life improvements here. As for the Python NB issue, that should be resolved now if you're interested in giving it a shot!
Hi @green-zoo-62493 @helpful-application-7107, we met the same issue on Jupyter notebook download
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Nice to have a test button for the Jupyter notebook (under datasources). Test that the env setup on GB side is ok. "Download Notebook" is failing in experiments and not sure why typeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'alpha'. Could be my issue but the notebook does run locally on the same instance. Having a test would help with debug
is there any way to fix that?
Are you self-hosting, and if so, are you on the latest release @hundreds-cpu-32465? We fixed this issue a few weeks ago.
@helpful-application-7107 yes we are self-hosting. thanks for the info! let me upgrade it to the latest release