im a bit confused with the new redesign, the relat...
# give-feedback
im a bit confused with the new redesign, the relationship between feature flag and experiment is a bit hard to follow, especially the attributes that control the flag vs. the experiment. also find i confusing what to edit and hit run on…is it the flag? the experiment? do i need to edit and save both?
Hey Siggy. I completely agree that we can do more to clear up the relationship between the two. We wanted to have a tighter link between the two because we previously had two places to edit targeting/variation splits/traffic percentage, but the experiment information was simply descriptive metadata and that was causing confusion when people edited it and the feature wasn't updating.
also find i confusing what to edit and hit run on…is it the flag? the experiment? do i need to edit and save both?
I think your questions here are somewhat rhetorical (and helpfully so!), but let's answer them anyways. It depends on what you want to do. If you want to edit the targeting/variation splits/traffic percentage/hash attribute, you will do this at the experiment level (although it can be accessed via any linked feature flag or the experiment itself). If you want to edit the actual feature flag values that are being served, or anything outside of an experiment rule, you should use the feature.
Ya I think i need to maybe simplify and plan out how we integrate with growthbook across our platforms and experimentation. I understand how confusing it is to build a UI here given all companies blur the lines betweenn feature toggles and experiments. I’ll reach out in the New Year to get a little bit of a discussion going on how to properly do what we are trying to do