I have perhaps a bug or maybe I don't understand t...
# give-feedback
I have perhaps a bug or maybe I don't understand the feature - when trying to start a new phase of an experiment with rerandomization, I edit the experiment rule on the feature and it creates a new draft. But then I am unable to publish the draft because "there are no changes." So I can't tell if the new phase got started anyways? I usually just add an unused forced rule to be able to hit publish on my change
To manage the behavior of a live experiment, whether its referenced in a feature rule or standalone (like for a visual experiment), you should be making those changes from the experiment page. To start a new phase of a running experiment, there is a button you can click labeled "Make Changes" on the top-right corner of the experiment page. The changes will take effect right away once you confirm.
hi @happy-autumn-40938 we are still struggling with this, now I cannot even find the re-randomize option. If we start a new phase of an existing experiment, does it automatically re-randomize?
You should be looking at this sort of flow for re-randomizing a new phase of a running experiment
ahh ha. It's because i use the old design. I see that button now..thank you
although i actually still don't see the old radio buttons that you have there, which is what i'm looking for. When i click that Make Changes button, this is all i see
that's the view you'd see when in draft mode or when there are no linked feature flags or visual experiments, I believe
alright, thanks. i will poke around some more
or perhaps you're on an older build (self hosted?)
i think the feature flag was off, when i flipped it on now i see the expected modal
ahh great 🙂