Hi all, I have a quick question regarding metrics:...
# announcements
Hi all, I have a quick question regarding metrics: Is there a way of having a metric with a denominator different than the
of a binomial metric? Imagine, I want to use as a denominator the
for those successes rather than just the count. Would that be possible of implement? Many thanks!
or for example, in the Experiment Assignment Queries, instead of just counting all the #rows,
and use it as a denominator, in the case of $order_values being a dimension or just another entry of this assignment query?
Hi Antonio. That's not possible right now, but something we're working on soon
Thanks for the answer!
I have another question not related to the previous one, just in case you can help us with this as well: Is it possible to have two different identifiers fields (for example,
), where
is used in the feature as splitting criterium but then we use
as our metrics reference identifier? This is just because we are more used to calculate metrics from a transaction point of view rather than user. Many thanks again
It's possible - the ID used for bucketing/splitting in the SDK is independent of the ID used for the experiment analysis. You would need to be able to identify which order_id saw which experiment, so the trackingCallback would need to take that into account. It's a bit unusual and may cause SRM failures as the splits may not be the same.