Hey guys! We hosted Growthbook on Elastic Beanstal...
# announcements
Hey guys! We hosted Growthbook on Elastic Beanstalk and suddenly today it failed(No API response) with these logs. Could you point us in the right direction where we should debug, please? I will post the results here if I'm able to solve it, thanks!
I've not seen that error before
are you using docker?
Did you recently update or change anything with your deployment or infrastructure? It looks like that error is coming from our authentication process, but that hasn't changed in a while.
Yes, I'm using the docker-compose file same from the documentation. I've created a database on MongoDB Atlas and then used that Database URI here in the docker-compose file. The docker-compose file is used on the elastic beanstalk and everything was working very well for the last one month and suddenly it stopped working. To debug, I redeployed the application with a different updated password of MongoDB, and then it worked. I've changed the password for MongoDB, then why it would fail due to an authentication error? I don't know! I could log in to MongoDB with the old password, so the account was still valid. But now it works again anyways! If I find the causes of it I will post it here.