Hello! Is there any way to update the trackingCall...
# contributing
Hello! Is there any way to update the trackingCallback during the lifetime of a Growthbook instance in the React SDK?
Hi Eirik, you’re welcome to call another function from within that method that you can adjust what it does as needed
just be careful not to bias your results
Hey Graham! Thanks for the reply. I don’t think I quite understand what you mean. Here is a somewhat simplified sandbox of what my issue is: https://codesandbox.io/s/lucid-vaughan-p4402x?file=/src/App.js I want to change the trackingCallback based on some data that is not available immediately, but I do not want to delay initialising the growthbook instance so that I can render features as fast as possible. I have a working solution where I reinitialize growthbook with the attributes/features from the old instance but then I lose which experiments are already tracked becuase
is private and doesn’t have a setter and I might end up tracking the same experiment twice in a session. This could be solved by deduplicating later, but it would be nice to avoid. Do you know how I could accomplish this?
@future-teacher-7046 any thoughts?
Here's a modified version of the sandbox. Biggest difference is that I moved
into it's own
Nice! works perfectly for the second component but it doesn’t seem to be firing the tracking function in the first component 🤔
Sorry, had an extra function layer in the
hook. Should work now
ahh, didn’t notice 😊 Thanks a lot!