If our Web Servers are running in Kubernetes behin...
# announcements
If our Web Servers are running in Kubernetes behind an Ingress + Service + Deployment but we want to use GrowthBook’s Webhooks to keep our Feature cache updated what are the best practices?
We obviously can’t just send the Webhook to the Ingress as it will only get to one of the Pods in the Deployment.
Would you recommend sending the webhook to something like Google Pub/Sub and having all Pods subscribe to the topic? The issue I can see with this is that I don’t think GrowthBook will set the
Authorization: Bearer
header to a custom value. This would be EXTREMELY useful.
probably won’t be too hard to edit
can you open a ticket for that?
Looking at it in a bit more detail I think it might be a bit more complicated than just setting the header. I think one might need to authenticate using a Service Account and then get the token before setting the header. I’ll look into it though and open an issue.
Supporting some messaging platforms seems like a good idea though for cases where you need to forward the header on to multiple servers.
I suppose another way of dealing with this would be to have an endpoint on our web servers which accepts the GrowthBook webhook, authenticates it, and forwards it to Google Pub/Sub.
A separate subscription on each web server could then receive the messages and update the cache.
yes, that would work