Would love some help here. We have the same compon...
# announcements
Would love some help here. We have the same component in two places but they see two different versions of the A/B test. This obviously makes the measurements invalid for those cases but it's weird because we use the React hook. Could it be related to https://growthbookusers.slack.com/archives/C01T6PKD9C3/p1649706438476469?
We use the hook like this.
If it's on, we show one label and if it's off, it's another. You can see in the screenshot (also if you open pabio.com in an incognito window a few times) that people sometimes see different variants of the button.
Might be easier to hop on a call to debug if you have some time
Happy to whenever you're available 😄
Any time tomorrow (your morning, my evening) works for me too.
I'm free now or tomorrow 9-11am Central Time
Can you share your email and I'll send you an invite for 9 am?
Turned out to be a false alarm since my component was outside the provider. Thanks a ton @future-teacher-7046 for the support -- you're the best!