Hello <@U01T6HCHD0A> :wave: I didn't setup experim...
# announcements
Hello @fresh-football-47124 👋 I didn't setup experiments for a while. Now I'm setting up a new one, but it seems that in the meantime you removed the ability to set a JSON for each variation (on cloud version). Can you confirm? If so, is there a way to get a set of parameters for the assignment variation, without having to implement it in the client code? Thank you
Hi Emmanuel, you were setting that json in the experiment settings?
we've moved the remote configuration side of experiments into the feature flags - it has the same functionality, but is more powerful
hmmm, interesting. I'm gonna have a look at it
Hi @fresh-football-47124 I dug into this and it matches our needs. however, I guess there's an issue when I want to run a production experiment for my feature. 1. I set up 2 data sources a. Mixpanel development b. Mixpanel production 2. I set up 2 metrics (screenshot 1.png) a. In-App Purchase dev (based on Mixpanel development source) b. In-App Purchase prod (based on Mixpanel production source) 3. I created an "Experiment Rule" for the feature I wanna test, with a different tracking key than for the dev (screenshot 2.png). Then I click on the "View results" button to create the related "New Experiement Analysis" 4. On this screen, it is not asked to me which data source I want to use (screenshot 3*.png*). So I follow the steps until I need to set my goal metrics. 5. And finally, on the metrics screen (screenshot 4.png) I have no way to select my PRODUCTION metrics. Actually, I am stuck and can't release the production environment.
Maybe @future-teacher-7046 is the most appropriate person to talk about this ?
ah, looks like the data source selector is hidden when adding an experiment from a feature. I'll fix that.
Ok great !
It should be fixed now
ok let me check that
Yes, I can now select the source. Thank you @future-teacher-7046!