Experiments question. Any specific considerations...
# announcements
Experiments question. Any specific considerations when setting up an experiment of 2 different urls (e.g. domainB.com/123 vs domainB.com/456) The targeting url is specific. Thank you,
The targeting url supports regular expressions, so you can use a pattern to match both domains
@future-teacher-7046 Thank you. You mean edit the experiments query under data source?
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do exactly.
Trying to setup an experiment where the control is on domainA and variation is on domainB. Using GA4. How to setup this up inside GrowthBook. I think I have the GA4 event part covered.
@future-teacher-7046 Appreciate your help.
How are you assigning users to a variation? Are you using our SDKs for that or something else?
Custom script to do the variation. Fire an event into GA4 for tracking. Transfer data into BigQuery. Growthbook for analysis. Didn't realize we could use the SDK for variation as well. Perhaps that's a better and simpler solution.
Ok, I understand now. The targeting URL is not used for the analysis part, so it doesn't matter what you set it to. GrowthBook will include all users who are marked as being in the experiment no matter what url they are on.
@future-teacher-7046 Thank you for confirming. That's makes it easy and love this approach. As long as events have experimentId and variationId.