Hey! Can I read something about security?
# announcements
Hey! Can I read something about security?
Hi Vladimir! Do you mean the self-hosted open source version or the managed cloud hosting?
We don't have anything specifically written about security yet, but happy to answer any questions.
Yes, tell me pls about your managed cloud hosting. I choose an ab platform for my company, and I really liked yours. But I think our security guards may have questions.
• We use Auth0 for authentication and support Google login • We're hosted on AWS in a locked down VPC (no SSH access) • We use MongoDB Atlas (encryption at rest) to store configuration data, metadata, and cached results • Credentials for your data sources are encrypted in our app using AES256 before being saved in MongoDB • We only require readonly access to your data source • Our queries against your data source only return aggregate data and never any user-level info
@eager-camera-84109 is there something specific you want to see from a security perspective?