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# announcements
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Hi Martin
are you able to see the variations on the live site at all using the query strings? ?my-experiment=1
or is your question just in general?
When an experiment is started, users are immediately assigned variations.
is the console telling you anything?
if its public, I'm happy to take a look - you can dm me if you'd rather
yep, one sec
you have to start the experiment to see the variations on the live site
should tell you the state (draft, running or stopped) and the botton on the right will start it
let me check on that
yes, it works
I see two versions
one says 'variation 1'
it could be caching on our CDN layer - let me look at the code
I'm seeing that text now
can you change it again?
ya, thanks for noticing that. Let me see if we can push a cache refresh on change