Hi everyone! My name is Juan, I'm a Data Scientist...
# give-feedback
Hi everyone! My name is Juan, I'm a Data Scientist and colleague of @miniature-france-97575 at multilayer.io @future-teacher-7046, I believe you both had a video call recently. First of all, we recently evaluated Growthbook and are very impressed! šŸ™‚ I have a bit of feedback: ā€¢ We would be very interested in seeing this enhancement go through, as with one of our main clients we need to connect through an SSH Bastion when working from outside their intranet. https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/46 I have a Python implementation example of connecting to an SSH Bastion to Redshift and Bigquery, if you guys are interested. ā€¢ From experience with previous employers & clients, I would love to see a Metrics page that is a bit more configurable. What I mean is, at some places some stakeholders have asked to remove all "useless stats", and at other places they almost want links to the papers supporting the statistics. It all depends on the kind of stakeholders. Do not mean this as criticism though, excellent work! šŸ™‚
More details about the 2nd point:
I know VP level people that would (very loudly) proclaim that this whole section should just say SIGNIFICANT 8.6% UPLIFT just like that, in bold and all caps
I also know VP level people that would object to using Bayesian Statistics instead of a Frequentist approach. šŸ˜„
Not saying you should try keep everyone happy, just an observation. The SSH Bastion thingy for the connection would make us very happy though šŸ˜‡
For the ssh bastion, could you instead create an SSH tunnel on the host machine where you are running GrowthBook?
We tried that, but it gives us an error...
hang on, will reproduce again
I get the same, in a different laptop. With the same credentials and SSH Tunnel we can connect with Datagrip/Jupyter/etc
GrowthBook runs inside a Docker container, so you'll need to use
(for Mac) or for Linux
makes sense
aaah, damn, sorry šŸ˜„
we forgot that we are running it in docker
It's a super common error. I'm working on a warning in the UI when we detect someone trying to connect to localhost.
For the experiment results table, it's currently geared more towards data scientists. We're considering adding an option for a simpler view for less technical users.
we managed to connect, thanks!