Hey appreciate the tags you guys added to the Feat...
# contributing
Hey appreciate the tags you guys added to the Features page!
Any reason why it’s capped at 3 and the rest in the dropdown? Would be nice if they were all visible, at least up to the width of the table? Also my use case here is that I specifically want to only look at the features that I’m testing or want to test soon all the time, and not so much the ones that I’ve marked as “Permanent”. Any way to save my client preferences or to let me set a default or something?
I like the idea of only using overflow if it exceeds the table width.
For the other point, do you want it to persist your last chosen filter across page loads?
would be nice if it could
or letting me set a default filter?
also you can see im using the search to select two separate filters
maybe allow me to do that with the tags?
@future-teacher-7046 Wanted to follow up on this note again, we’re up to 27 feature flags now and it’s getting progressively harder to keep track of things and find the right ones quickly when I land on the feature list.
So if I understand the end goal, there are some features that have already been tested and are stable in production and you want to hide those from the list by default since they aren't that useful to see anymore. So basically, you want a view with just the small group of features that are actively being developed and tested. Is that accurate?
That’s one goal, but the tag system we came up with is one that gives one tag for the part of the app the feature affects and the other tag for where it is in the testing process. For features we marked permanent / turned off, i don’t really want to see those every time (but don’t want to lose the ability to see them if I want to). For features that are “To be tested” or “Testing”, I want to see those and also quickly filter down by the other tag type for which part of the app it affects. Priority wise, i’d love to at least have all the tags shown (per the above point of only using overflow if it exceeds the table width), and then would prefer saved preferences or saving a default set of filters or something
Ok, as a quick fix, I'll increase the number of tags shown and allow them to wrap on small screens. And I'll persist the last set of selected tags. Longer term I'm thinking it would be good to have a standard way to mark a feature as either active/archived/stable (or something like that). Then we can make that an orthogonal filter to tags.
Makes sense for latter!
Re: tags, one other small ask as part of making it possible to show more is to also show them in the same colors as they are in each feature row
thanks 🙂
I can play around with that some more. We tried having them colored at first, but it was very distracting and we couldn't find a good way to differentiate the currently selected filters.
Borders/outline perhaps?
anyway the update so far is already a positive quality of life improvement, thanks!