<@U01T6HCHD0A> What does the smaller value in gray...
# contributing
@fresh-football-47124 What does the smaller value in gray mean for a duration based metric?
e.g. 20003 / 56 and 14:40 / 46
I’m assuming the top value is the average duration?
is the bottom one total time measured? i.e. 2 hours?
It's the total time divided by number of users. So 2 hours and 3 seconds total duration and 56 users. When you divide that, you get an average of 2 minutes, 8 seconds per user.
It's the same as count and revenue metrics, although having it for duration is not as useful as those
we're also missing units on that first column
something that would also be helpful with time based metrics (or maybe any aggregate metrics) is ability to choose to see the median, one dude AFK’ing on the home screen and my time to activity avg is screwed
yeah, we plan to do more with outlier detection. I definitely recommend adding a cap to your duration metrics to limit how big it can get for a single user
Do i provide the capped value in seconds? also what’s a reasonable cap? 90th percentile? 95th? 99th?
yes, it's in seconds
Depends a little on the shape of your data, but somewhere around 99th percentile is usually good. Might want to go lower if you have a really long tail