Hi, is it possible to fire a webhook upon experime...
# announcements
Hi, is it possible to fire a webhook upon experiment creation rather than feature definition?
hi Sara, let me check
it should be updating on experiment creation and any updates to them
is it not?
it's only firing with new features being added currently
I have changed some data in the back end to support the experiment config that I mentioned though, so I have messed with something that is blocking the webhook
@future-teacher-7046 any thoughts?
Webhooks fire any time you create a new feature or make a change to an existing feature. What exact change did you make for the experiment config?
I've edited the experiment interface, creation/edit forms, experiment/[eid].tsx, obj and keys in controllers/experiment.ts, and the ExperimentModel schema
The naming in GrowthBook is a little confusing. There are feature flags that deal with implementing and running A/B tests. The "experiments" part just deals with analyzing results. So changes made to the analysis don't fire webhooks. Only changes to feature flags do.
I see. I'm a bit confused though. How do the features integrate with the experiments?
They are really loosely coupled. Experiments can analyze results of any A/B test, whether or not it used our SDKs and feature flags to run it. The SDKs let you track experiment assignment to your data warehouse. Then experiments query your data warehouse to pull results. The only join between them is an experiment id.
Got it! Thanks