Hi team, if we have a strong need to isolate featu...
# announcements
Hi team, if we have a strong need to isolate feature toggle data between environments, meaning in each environment we have to have a mongodb instance (or clusters), how to handle that scenario? Probably we need a super admin UI on top of all GB instances.
we have a couple of levels for isolation - though none have a completely separate mongo instance
Would each environment have the exact same set of features, just with separate toggle states and rules?
What's driving the need for strong isolation? Is it permissions/security?
some environment has strong need of isolation, mostly permission/security
I think there are a few paths forward: 1. Build enough security and permissions into the GrowthBook platform itself so you can use a single instance 2. Run entirely separate GrowthBook instances and make it easy to copy/paste features between them 3. In secure environments like Production, don't reference GrowthBook directly. Instead use a locked-down build step that exports the features JSON to something like a secure S3 bucket.
👀 1
Thanks Jeremy for your quick response. Option 2 sounds a more reasonable solution to go