Hi. this might already have been asked so I'd appr...
# announcements
Hi. this might already have been asked so I'd appreciate a link if that is the case. Is there a way to define Features and Experiments in code (like a yaml or even API) and sync that to the Server to be reflected in the UI? .. I am thinking of like having those yamls versioned in github.. This sync could then be triggered on deploy of my new code (creating the new experiments) ,etc
Hi Carlo. Our SDKs just need a JSON object passed in with feature definitions. Whether that JSON is created in the GrowthBook UI or hand-crafted and stored in GitHub doesn't matter. It sounds like you may want the GrowthBook App to basically be a read-only UI to view features/experiments, is that right? That's currently not possible, but will be soon with https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/pull/343
Thanks Jeremy sounds great. Do you have an example of the SDK in any language sending json to create new features and experiments ? I navigated a bit the SDK and can't find the right place I think
The SDKs don't create features/experiments. You pass in feature definitions as a JSON object and the SDK just evaluates them for a user and assigns a value.
A feature definitions JSON might look like this:
Copy code
  "my-feature": {
    "defaultValue": false,
    "rules": [
        "condition": {
          "country": {
            "$in": [
        "force": true