Hey guys, is there a way to `archive` features. So...
# announcements
Hey guys, is there a way to
features. So you have a record of every feature. This would obviously be a logical delete, and the full delete is to get rid of any unnecessary junk.
Hi Donnovan, that's a good idea
If you toggle the feature off, it won't be returned in API responses so it kind of acts like an Archive.
you can use the.. ya
Thanks guys. It seems like using the toggle is using something for unintended purposes. I could see scenarios where you may want to toggle off the flag due to issues in an environment, but it's not "archived" it's off for emergency purposes. Archived features would maintain all the history of the feature but remove it from api response and main interface. Other systems I have used offer "archive" (logical delete) functionality, then once you archive, you have the choice to "delete" (physical delete).
When a flag is no longer being served to users, and it is not a prerequisite of other flags, it may be time to archive it. Archiving a flag retires it without deleting it. You can restore an archived flag if you need it, or find it to reference its configuration later.
Flags are good candidates for archival when they are serving only one variation in the environment you choose and have not been requested in the last seven days.
You can delete an archived flag after you determine that it will no longer be needed in your project.
what is that from?
I hesitate to share competitor links when I want to support a new project 😛
no worries
But ya, it's LaunchDarkly
but yes, I agree with the concept there
Not a show stopper, but definitely a nice to have. Possibly this should have ended up in #feedback but I wasn't sure if it was possible to right now or if it was in the backlog.
I'll add it to our backlog
🙌 1