Hi there. Very new here so if this is posted in th...
# give-feedback
Hi there. Very new here so if this is posted in the wrong place, appologies. I was wondering if growthbook has or is looking at a import / export feature. Dealing with multiple teams working on different features, I was hoping to use a file as part of the code repositories that we can use to import on our CI CD pipelines. That way when a new flag needs to be added to the platform ther is no blocker between the dev team and or the admins working with growthbook. Basically manage our growthbook FF as part of our CICD pipelines...
Hi! We don't have a REST API yet to programmatically add features, but it's on our roadmap
👀 1
That would definitely be an amazing addition yes, looking forward to it 😄
Is the goal to push code with feature flag checks to production and then later go into the GrowthBook UI and release them?
🤟 1
That would be the idea yes. Its so that a FF can be added by a dev and once the code is deployed weather its a json or yaml file, the pipeline can process it and push the features to Growthbook updating or adding the features as is expected. Production might need to be handled differently. AWS AppConfig uses feature versioning, so if a feature or setting breaks something it can quickly be reverted as well, especially where MANY features exist
The problem we have and why we started using Growthbook is that the features on aws app config are each env specific where as with growthbook each feature is not only env specific but user permissions and thats what we loved about growthbook