I am having an error trying to retrieve data from ...
# announcements
I am having an error trying to retrieve data from mixpanel for the experiment, is this a bug?
Copy code
Uncaught exception TypeError: reduce(), groupBy(), and groupByUser() accept at most 8 reducers.
  .groupBy(["value.variation"], [

Stack trace:
TypeError: reduce(), groupBy(), and groupByUser() accept at most 8 reducers.
    at main (<anonymous>:178:4)
It looks like I had added too many guardrails, after removing some the error does not happen anymore. But now I go to mixpanel and I can see some events there but when I try to update the data in growthbook it says it has no data yet.
OK, I can see the data, I saw that I was using the wrong Phase but now I do not know what they are exactly
Now I can not see it anymore, I am not able to understand why exactly, is there a delay to query the data? Even though I trigger the update and I see it in mixpanel I can not see it in the results
If you click on Configure Analysis in the more menu next to the update button, make sure the date range is correct. Mixpanel has some timezone issues, so you might need to set the start date earlier by a few hours.
🙌 1
I see, good to know let me try
That was it man, thank youuu