:construction: Attributes list here <https://app.g...
# give-feedback
🚧 Attributes list here https://app.growthbook.io/settings/attributes constantly changes to default one + I don’t really understand why and when do we need attributes set (I saw them only in experiment creation but didn’t really understood what they do)
Thanks for letting us know. I suspect I know the part of the code that's causing it to get reset. Should be an easy fix. Attributes are used to define targeting conditions for features. For example, if you have a "country" attribute, you would be able to turn a feature on only for users in Canada.
✅ 1
@future-teacher-7046 hey is it fixed?
I'm not entirely sure. Wasn't able to reliably reproduce the issue. Is it still happening for you?
Yes, still happenning
Just following up. I was finally able to track down and fix this bug. https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/pull/465
thank you!