I keep getting locked out of my account with this ...
# announcements
I keep getting locked out of my account with this error`You must verify your email address before using GrowthBook`
Hi Angella
I can help you with that - are you on the cloud?
sometimes this happens when your cookie expires and you have to re-login - you can try refreshing the page and it will ask you to log in again
I tried refreshing and clearing cache in vain
Did you previously use Login With Google to sign in?
For account security, once you login via a verified method like Google SSO, we disable logging in via unverified email/password. We can probably improve the error message to make that more clear
I was invited to a company account using my company email. I then login. Days later I am unable to login with the same credentials and the admin has to delete my account and re-invite me. Keep in mind there wasn't a single verification link sent to me in all these occurences
Is this on app.growthbook.io or on a custom self-hosted domain?
I found you on the cloud account and just re-sent the verification email
I've got the verification email
Ok, great. When an admin deletes your account, it just removes you from the organization and doesn't actually delete the underlying user account, which is why you weren't getting new verification emails each time you were re-invited.