To deploy GB in AWS, what mongodb service do you r...
# announcements
To deploy GB in AWS, what mongodb service do you recommend? 1. mongodb as a pod in EKS? 2. mongodb atlas - full managed service 3. AWS documentdb, another managed service 4 other options. Iā€™m curious to hear your thoughts
2 or 1, 2 is easier
(and what we typically recommend)
šŸ‘ 1
Curious why you picked mongodb?
The type of data we are storing aligned well to document stores - and since we are rapidly iterating, the nosql gives us more flexibility to do updates without needing to do sql alters. We did write the code in a way where we can change the back end db - and we have plans to support other dbs.
Make a lot of sense to me, one alternative is PostgreSQL in my mind
yes, that will probably be the first one we add
šŸ‘ 1
AWS dynamodb support would be fantastic for us