Hello :raised_hands: Could you help to add sql fil...
# announcements
Hello 🙌 Could you help to add sql filtering in where clause in dimension? Cause now we can do that only in metrics not in dimensions Example below
Copy code
where exp_name = '{{ experimentId }}'
       and as_of_date between timestamp'{{ startDate }}' and timestamp'{{ endDate }}'
Just added a GitHub issue for this feature request. It shouldn't be too hard for us to add https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/739
❤️ 1
Thanks, it will allow us to retrieve not whole table rows. Just for certain experiments.
Depending on how your data is structured, we also support dimensions directly in the experiment assignment queries. https://docs.growthbook.io/app/dimensions#experiment-dimensions
❤️ 1