Hi! I wanted to add Growthbook via unpkg script in...
# announcements
Hi! I wanted to add Growthbook via unpkg script in a SPA (Nextjs). I know I can just npm install the package but this is the requirement I currently need to work with. Trying to understand what best practice here would be 1. User navigates to a page with growthbook. Growthbook gets loaded client-side. 2. User then navigates to a page without growthbook. Since its a SPA, Growthbook variables will still be in memory. The more general question is: are there any good ways to cleanly load and unload client-side scripts for single page apps?
Are you able to hook into the React code at all or does it need to just be a
tag in the html template?
Needs to be a
tag unfortunately Is this possible?
It should be possible to load the SDK like that. How are you planning to use it in your app though? Do you want to do something like
inside a React component and have it use the globally loaded instance from the script tag?
Ah @future-teacher-7046 we just pushed back and were able to go with react implementation. Thanks for the time